Auntie Sistah Girl has Bigguy for the night. she starts a new job soon, and wanted to spend some time with him beforehand. He is so happy. Normally, his first night spending the night somewhere new, he calls me a couple times, since I only heard from him when I called, I know he is having a good time, and hopefully behaving. I am glad that they are spending this time together. I have a pretty close relationship with my auntie, and I have a pretty close relationship with my sister(though it hasn't always been as great as it is now, but were sisters, what do you expect?) I want my kids to be close to family members outside of the immediate household. As they grow older, it will give them a good friend, and a trusted adult. If I ever needed to talk about something when I was younger, I could go to auntie if I didn't want to go to Mom. If I was grounded, but really needed to get out, once again, Auntie was there. I am not saying that this was always good, nor did I always go to her-when I was really fucking up with my life, I dodn't want to go to family at all, partly due to shame, partly fear, partly stupidity, but for the most part, I think it would have been much worse if not for my relationship with her. I wonder how much of what we talked about ever got back to mom? But anyways, I am glad Bigguy is having a good time, and not only does he get to see auntie Sistah Girl, he gets to see Uncle Rice-Man, so that's cool TIMES TEN!!!!!
Second-Suspenders-I really really want a pair of suspenders. I am entering my second tri-I cannot comfortably wear belts anymore, unless it's below the belly, and that looks kinda silly with certain pants. On top of that, not all maternity pants have belt loops or drawstrings, so I can have comfy and long-enough, but falling down, or tight enought at the waist, but too short. Suspenders would solve all that. If I am planning on wearing a shirt that wouldn't tuck in or down well? I would wear a tank under my shirt so the suspenders would rest on that, not my skin. I WANT SUSPENDERS!!! Anyone know where I can find a decent pair of adjustable suspenders??
I wonder what this is going to do to my google ads?
Mom might have suspenders for me, life is sweet.
Woo! I'm in your blog!
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